Patient Participation Group (PPG)
What is the Patient Participation Group?
The Patient Participation Group is a group of people from the Practice Population who have expressed an interest to be part of the group. The aim of the Patient Reference Group is to work towards improving and developing patient services. This group of patients help voice the views, needs and requirements of our Practice Population. The group helps influence a positive change in the services provided by Wickham Park Surgery. The Reference Group comprises of the group members, Doctors, Practice Secretary, Practice Manager and staff.
Aims of the Patient Participation Group
- To actively involve patients in making suggestions to improve the services provided
- To obtain feedback on the quality of the services provided
- To discuss issues and expectations from the patients’ point of view
The main aim of the patient reference group is to work to improve services from a patient point of view.
Patient Participation Group Meetings
The group meets four times a year at Wickham Park Surgery.
Join our Patient Participation Group
To join the Patient Reference Group ask at Reception for details of joining and further information, phone on 020 8777 1293, or email
Virtual Patient Participation Group
We are in process of setting Virtual PPG and will let all members know in near future.
With the virtual group you can share ideas, give your suggestions, make comments and discuss issues you may have relating to the Practice with other members. Volunteer members will respond or bring your ideas to the meeting as appropriate. This will help you participate even if you are unable to Attend the meetings.