From the 1st of April 2015, all practices have been required under the terms of the latest GP contract to allocate patients a named accountable GP.
This is purely an administrative exercise in order that patients can have a named responsible GP should they require them.
For convenience your named accountable GP will be the named doctor you are registered with.
- All patients at the practice are allocated Dr Adelaja Mustapha as their designated named GP.
Having a named GP does not prevent you seeing any other doctor in the practice. Your named GP will not be available at all times and if your needs are urgent, you may need to discuss them with an alternative doctor.
Preference of Practitioner
Patients are registered with the practice, not an individual GP. For administrative reasons you will be allocated the name of Dr Mustapha; however, you can at any time express a preference for a particular doctor, for either all of your medical needs or on a case-by-case basis. This preference will be recorded in your medical notes and we will do our best to respect your choice. However, not all the doctors in the practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available.