Comments & Complaints


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Healthwatch Bromley – Share your experience



The practice has a complaints procedure. This does not deal with matters of legal liability or compensation. It does not affect your right to make a formal complaint. Any comment or complaint should be addressed to our Practice Manager, who will ensure that it is investigated thoroughly and speedily.

NHS Complaints Procedure

In the first instance complaints should be sent in writing or emailed to addressed to the Practice Manager.

Patients who have a comment or complaint about a GP, dentist, pharmacy or optician, which cannot be resolved locally with the practice manager, can contact NHS England using the details below:

NHS England,
PO Box 16738,
B97 9PT
Tel: 0300 311 22 33

All the relevant information regarding existing complaints, including files (electronic and hard copy), have been passed to NHS England – London Region complaints team who can be contacted at or 020 3350 4500.

Patients who have a comment or complaint about a hospital, mental health or community trust should contact the provider directly or contact their local CCG who will be able to help.

What Happens After I Make a Complaint?

Once a complaint is received this will be reviewed by the Reception or Practice Manager. Any complaints relating to administrative queries will be dealt with within 5 working days. If for any reason this is expected to take longer you will be informed of this and the reasons why.

Clinical complaints will usually take 2 to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the case and who is involved. It may be necessary in some cases to wait for a GP to return from leave for example which will delay this. You will be given regular updates to the progress of your complaint.