Clinical Pharmacist Urgent Appointments

Appointments for most minor ailments will be booked with our new Clinical Pharmacist service for a telephone appointment call back within 48 hours.

  • There will not be a possibility of speaking with or visiting the GP if you are unwell with any of the conditions on the list below.

Patients that call for an urgent appointment on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will receive a call back from the pharmacist on Wednesday.

Patients that call for urgent appointments on a Thursday and Friday will receive a call back from the pharmacist on Friday.

  • When booking the appointment you will be given an allocated time of either 9am to 1pm or 1pm to 4pm for the Clinical Pharmacist to call.

In some instances you may be asked to send photographs in to the surgery in relation to your condition before your Clinical Pharmacist appointment. Where this is the case a receptionist will send you a link to upload images from your mobile. These will then automatically get inputted to you medical record.

The Clinical Pharmacists are highly trained and are able to prescribe medication such as antibiotics, order tests such as blood tests and X-Rays and can also refer you to the hospital where needed. If the Clinical Pharmacist does feel that you need to be assessed by a GP in person at the surgery after your call back then they will book you an appointment over the next week to see a GP.

Urgent GP Appointments

Urgent same day appointments with the GP’s will still be available for those that do not meet the criteria to be booked with the Clinical Pharmacist, but the number of these appointments have been reduced and are limited on a first come first serve basis.

This new procedure has been put in place with the aim of reducing pressure on the GP’s and their workload.

We hope that this new service helps us to turn away less patients that require urgent treatment from us by offering more appointments per week.

With this service reducing the amount of urgent appointments with the GP needed, we hope that this will ultimately mean that we can release more routine appointments so that patients do not have to wait so long to see the GP.

List of Conditions for Service:

Heartburn & Indigestion
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mouth Ulcers
Gum Disease
Oral Thrush
Common Cold & Influenza
Sore Throat
Hay Fever
Motion Sickness
Headaches & Migraines
Cold Sores
Warts & Verrucae
Fungal Nail Infection
Vaginal Thrush
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Naproxen for Dysmenorrhora
Tranexamic Acid for Menorrhagia
Dry Eye
Ear Infection
Head Lice
Whooping Cough
Cradle Cap
Nappy Rash
Medication Side Effects